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General Readership

December, 2018

Staying Healthy Abroad: A Global Traveler’s Guide.  University of Washington Press.

Purchase on Amazon

Purchase via University of Washington Press here.


May, 2008 

The Adventurous Traveler’s Guide to Health.  University of Washington Press. 

For Medical Professionals

September, 2016

Sanford C, Pottinger P, Jong EC (eds.):  The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual, 5th Edition. Elsevier.  

Purchase on Amazon

Purchase via Elsevier


Jong EC, Sanford C (eds.): The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual, 4th Edition, Elsevier.


Japanese translation.  Medical Services International, Ltd., Tokyo.


Chinese translation.  Peking University Medical Press. 

Editing: Clinics of North America

March, 2016

Pottinger P, Sanford C (Guest Editors):  Medical Clinics of North America, issue on Travel and Adventure Medicine. Elsevier. 

December, 2002

Sanford CA (Guest Editor): Primary Care Clinics of North America,

issue on Travel

Medicine, WB Saunders.

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